
We should be on by now. 

“We’ve done it again.” 

“Done what again?”

“Got up really late and missed most of the morning.”

Jetlag was our excuse, along with rolling in at 4am because, for some reason, we were on the VIP list at the final bar. The owner chucked out ever other person, and refused entry to newcomers but asked,  “one more?” each time we drained our glasses.  We don’t know why: good tippers? Middle- aged gullible ladies who look like big spenders? Or just pleasant and smiley? Probably all three.

Whatever the cause of our tiredness, we did something that I never do and spent hours by the pool on the hotel roof writing our blog posts and taking the occasional dip. I treated it as an exercise session and did a few high knees, jumps and triceps dips in the pool.  There’s no excuse to be lazy. I even did a bit of pool dancing as though in a pop video.  

Donna swam and swam and declared that she was in heaven. 

After a leisurely stretch we applied 7/11 mini lipstick and eyeliner and set off to break Donna’s tuktuk virginity.  

Of course, she loved every second and posted a video of it on Facebook to show off.  Only 9 of the reactions were laughing emojis so Donna thinks the other people didn’t watch it because “we’re really funny, aren’t we?” She’s watched that video at least a dozen times since. We are funny. At least we think we are.  

After pasta and a glass of wine we had pizza and a glass of wine before acknowledging that the jetlag was doing its thing and had an early night.  

It was another perfect day; just the right level of fun for two tired old ladies with another 3 weeks plus of holiday adventures. 

We just got excited that Dolly and Kenny came on as we were writing our blogs. Next stop Ao Nang and karaoke.  I’m being Dolly.

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