Donna blog

  • Donna blog

    Days like these …

    We have both been ill with some kind of bug for the past couple of days. Joanne had a really high temperature this morning which worried me so I told her to stick an ice cold bottle of water under her armpit and keep out of the duvet until I came back from the shops (I know, Nurse Rached could learn a thing or two from me!). We’ve been having such a good time that sometimes I forget what Joanne has been through. She’s been very stoic but I think things have got the better of her today. She’s not well and her psoriasis is playing up and I can…

  • Donna blog

    Hard Rock Cafe is a swizz …

    There is a beautiful seafront bistro on Patong Beach Road called ‘Hern’. Me and Jo were in a ‘go slow’ mood today so we escaped the heat and entered this beautiful, cool establishment. I ordered a Watermelon Rose Tea which was utterly delicious. We sat and chatted and people-watched which is sometimes all you can be bothered doing when you’re on your hols and we’ve been pretty much non-stop since we landed in Thailand. We liked the cool, luxurious surroundings so much that we ordered two more drinks and lunch. ‘It’s probably going to cost a fortune,’ we mumbled to one another but Joanne’s favourite saying is, ‘Dunt matter, we’re…

  • Donna blog

    To infinity pool and beyond …

    There is the most beautiful infinity pool on the roof of our hotel and every morning I go for a swim there. I find swimming really therapeutic, almost a form of meditation, especially when you’re swimming in the heavens towards a view of the ocean, so I shook off last night’s icky feeling and prepared to start the day with a fresh outlook. Joanne needed to investigate her boxing classes, leaving me to my own devices. I had a wander around but couldn’t find my groove at all. The beach was too hot and crowded so I decided to go shopping for some cooler clothes but none of the dresses…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day Twelve

    We travelled to Phuket via Koh Phi Phi on yet another mode of transport today. We took a ‘ferry’ to Koh Phi Phi, though this was little more than a speedboat. After quite a rough journey, the boat stopped in the middle of the ocean and Joanne and I were told we were transferring to another boat as we were the only travellers going to Phuket. So we (along with hand luggage and suitcases) has to hop onto another, larger boat, in the middle of the sea. It was all rather exciting. I’m undecided about Phuket…. it’s the biggest and busiest place we’ve visited so far. I loved the craziness…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day Eleven

    Well, the heavens opened today. Warm, heavy rain plastered the streets of Klong Nin as the majestic sea whirled moodily in the background. We were stranded in Rasta Baby where we’d popped in for some breakfast after Joanne’s Muay Thai boxing session. She’s a rum girl is that one: come rain or shine, hangover or dodgy tummy, Joanne never misses her boxing session. She’s a lesson in true grit and I admire her immensely for this. I met Jo at Rasta Baby for breakfast and that’s when the rain and thunder came. I ordered Pad Thai again, because I love it and it never gives me heartburn and Jo ordered…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day Ten

    I’m learning lessons each day I’m here. I never thought of myself as an inherently vain person, but it would appear that I am. I never realised how much I fuss about my hair and my clothes when I’m back home but I do. I always wear a full face of make up, straighten my hair and spend ages wearing a coordinated outfit (coordinated in my head anyway!) Imagine my distress when I entered a country which instantly frizzed  my hair, sweated the makeup off my face and was too hot for the matching khaki, black and white outfits that I’ve bought. It’s a hard thing for an insecure person…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day Nine

    Whenever I imagined what going to Thailand would be like, I had two versions: one version would be a rustic , rainy place with blistering air, unnameable insects, dodgy water, strange meat dishes and a distinct lack of toilets. In short, in my most panicky moments, this was the image of Thailand that frightened me and made me want to back out of our holiday before it had even begun. And guess what? Thailand is hot! And rainy, and I’ve been bitten by various creepy crawlies, but there are toilets in every cafe, you just drink bottled water and there’s a plethora of delicious non-meaty food. I needn’t have worried.…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day Seven and Eight

    Joanne has been telling me how much I will love Koh Lanta – a little island just off the west of Thailand – but I have to admit, when we arrived here I was a little disappointed. It’s low season, many of the shops and restaurants are closed; the streets are dusty and basic, there are derelict, wind—torn buildings everywhere. And there are creatures here: lizards, geckos, ants, spiders, monkeys and chickens. But as soon as I’d unpacked my stuff in a lovely bungalow, all to myself, and settled into the laid-back vibe of Rasta Baby beach bar, I understood the magic of Koh Lanta. The people here are kind…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day 6

    I told Joanne that today has been my favourite day so far, but that’s not true,  because every single day has had its joys and there’s always been something to love. Today I had a foot massage and a facial on the beach. Joanne insisted we took a glass of wine with us because she’s done that before and felt like a lady of leisure  drinking her wine and having her eyelashes done. However, what neither of us expected was to be told to lie down on our tummies while we has our feet softened and scraped. Quite an interesting, occasionally painful, experience. Our yelps and gurning faces made the…

  • Donna blog

    Donna Day Four and Five

    There are so many things that I haven`t written about because I`ve been too busy experiencing them! After flying to Krabi, we are now in Ao Nang in the south of Thailand and I`m not exaggerating when I say that we are staying in the most luxurious hotel I`ve ever been to – Peace Laguna Resort. Our beautiful room has a porch overlooking a mountain and is surrounded by lush green trees and a lake. This morning I swam in one of the three pools and had the entire pool to myself. It cost us about 20 pound a night. Ao Nang is gorgeous. Today we had lunch by the…