Might take a girl when I move on.
“… well, I’ve lived in Thailand for six months … Oh yes, I’ve done Muay Thai, ju jitsu, normal boxing,MMA … in fact, I’m a boxing trainer … I’m a shaman and I know all the songs and I’ve got the outfit.”It’s always good to have a taxi driver whose ego has been thrust out of him never to return via a spell inthe Amazon. Even when he is so chatty that he gets lost and then tries to snog your travellingcompanion at the airport.Yes, I’m back in my favourite place, and this time I’ve got a friend with me. She’s called Donna. I’veknown her since the late ‘80s.Last night,…
When ladies get to that age where they wonder what they’ve done with their lives, then realise there’s a whole lot more life to live.